
Fresh off the press!

Sep 13, 2016 | Production

What kind of special moment: holding the first print sheet of LYS in our hands, and the second, and the third… What a great feeling to experience that everything we saw on our screens for the last four years suddenly became real. For a long time we balanced the reasons where to print LYS: It resulted in the classical question of principle between purse and heart. We decided – once again – for the more expensive option. And why? Because we knew that optimal:media is a company which fulfils everything that matters: an exceptionally good printing quality, and, what was important to us as well, it is located in Germany, in a region of very poor economic development, offering quality employment to many people.

The right descision. The results are breathtaking … even better than expected. When have lived with our images for 4 years in RGB and the conversion to CMYK for the printing process needed some tough last minute work on the images and we even exchanged some images in the end.

And now we are excited to see the completely finished book … 🙂